Plastic Barrier Types & Chapter 8 Compliance – Lakeside-Hire

The term ‘plastic barrier types’ refers to the various ways that plastic barriers can be installed and how they are constructed. The requirements for installation and construction of these barriers differ from one to another, depending on the material used. Plastic safety barrier hire are excellent for work zones and other temporary traffic control areas. They’re available in a variety of materials, each with unique features.

Plastic barriers, while lacking the same level of impact protection as a reinforced concrete barrier, nevertheless provide a serviceable barrier on the roadside. Plastic barriers constructed of lightweight materials are easy to carry and place, but most models are meant to be filled with water or sand in-situ, making them much more difficult to relocate. Because of this, plastic barriers are the most adaptable temporary roadside barrier for slow-moving traffic and areas where pedestrians will not be standing near the barrier.

Roadside Safety Equipment 

Although we’ll be talking about barriers and roadside equipment, for the most part, there are additional restrictions and requirements for both vehicles and personal protective equipment that you should be aware of.

Barriers should be used to protect people from roadside dangers, obstructions, and excavations at all times. Barriers can be utilized to ensure the safety of everyone on the site, including workers and passers-by. Barriers should be visible both day and night. They guarantee a safe working location by providing a high visibility safety barrier between roadworks.

Basic plastic barrier types 

There are many different plastic barrier types that are used, but here are some of the most used. 

Vehicle Restriction Barriers

Restricting traffic within a work area is essential where high vehicle numbers are expected. The aim of temporary traffic control barriers is to redirect or direct vehicles, separating them from dangerous areas using clearly visible devices. 

In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to deploy a temporary vehicle safety barrier. It’s possible that traffic barriers should also be used behind the protection barrier and outside of its functional length. Vehicle restriction barriers are mounted on a base plate and used to stop traffic from going beyond a certain point.

Road Traffic Barriers

These are barriers that are used to separate traffic from the work area. They’re designed to meet certain criteria, including being visible day and night under both wet and dry conditions. Temporary vehicle traffic control barriers should be located where they can best control vehicle movements about the site or works access point. Vehicle traffic control barriers play an important part in the safety of workers and people in close proximity to vehicular traffic.

Traffic barriers can be mounted on posts or to the road surface. When vehicle traffic is restricted, it should be done by using a temporary traffic barrier that’s suitable for this purpose.

Traffic barriers should be used to direct vehicles around obstacles on the traffic (right) side of the obstruction. The barrier should be placed between 0.8 and 1.5 meters above ground level, be made of reflective material, or alternatively illuminated from within or externally during hours of darkness.

Pedestrian Barriers

Pedestrian protection barriers are used to limit pedestrian access, protect pedestrians from injury by separating them from the worksite. Pedestrian barriers and rails may be red or white, and base supports should not extend more than 300 mm into the path of pedestrians. Temporary pedestrian walkways should never be less than 1 m wide, and wherever feasible they should be at least 1.5 m broad. 

Pedestrian barrier hire can also be metal and should be placed alongside excavations and subjected to a risk-based assessment. 

Euro Road Barriers 

Yet another popular choice is the Euro Road Barriers, which are available in greater portions to cover larger areas more effectively. These barriers are also meant to be filled with sand or water as ballast, creating a robust system that provides good protection between busy roads and pedestrian walkways. Mesh panels and reflective panels can also be added on top of them. 

They are most often made with one or more central bars and can be placed on the road, footpath or grass. Where temporary pedestrian walkways must pass over a traffic space, they need to be closed off at both ends with barriers. Temporary pedestrian walkways that crossroads should be separated from roadways by barrier types suitable for the expected vehicle traffic if it is likely to be different from normal pedestrian traffic. 

Lightweight Barriers

Lightweight barriers are often used for work areas where traffic volumes are low and speed is not a hazard. In these cases, lightweight barriers can be installed using hand tools. They can be easily removed from the works area at the end of each shift or contract working period. All components of lightweight barrier should be sufficiently durable to with-stand wind buffeting from passing traffic and to maintain their original height.

Chapter 8 barrier compliance

Chapter 8 is meant to assist in meeting legal obligations by establishing a code of practice that may be used in a wide range of situations. Chapter 8 barrier hire is intended to provide a respectable level of performance and isn’t required by law, but it is regarded as the bare minimum requirement for road construction.

Should chapter 8 guidelines be followed?

Even if section 8 is not a legal requirement if your construction site does not fulfil these standards, you could be leaving yourself open to legitimate action should an accident occur. 

What’s more, The Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 and the Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order of 1978, which are applicable throughout the United Kingdom, require businesses to establish and maintain safe work systems. Chapter 8, which may be considered as reasonable practice for maintaining a safe work system, is required by both laws.

Barriers are an important component of any safety system since they prevent accidents from occurring. Whether your needs are temporary or permanent, it’s always best to look for the right barrier for the job.